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    Adjustment: To What End ?
    Published Year: 1986
    Published By: S. Guhan
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    The Inequity of the International Economic Order: Some Explanation and Policy Implications
    Published Year: 1985
    Published By: Raj Krishna
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    Industrialisation, Foreign Capital and Technology Transfer - Mexican Experience 1930-1985
    Published Year: 1985
    Published By: Miguel Wionczek
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    New Perspectives in North-South and South-South Economic Relations
    Published Year: 1985
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    Trade and Development : Some Basic Issues
    Published Year: 1984
    Published By: Sukhamoy Chakravarty
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    The World Crisis: How to Serve the Interest of the South?
    Published Year: 1984
    Published By: Jan Tinbergen
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    The International Monetary System - Its Shortcomings and Inequities in Relation to Developing Countries
    Published Year: 1984
    Published By: M. Narasimham
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    Transfer of Resources to Developing Countries - Nature and Direction of Reform in the International Financial System
    Published Year: 1984
    Published By: M. Narasimham